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Studio 180 Design Starget Quilting Pattern DTP064

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Descripción detallada

Studio 180 Design Starget Quilting Pattern DTP064

Also Available in Our Retail Store
1001 Knight Avenue, Ponca City, OK 74601

Call for More Information: (580)765-9999

Deb was asked by the Vermont Quilt Festival to create a quilt for their 2014 Raffle. She wanted the design to be unique and different for that very special organization, and Starget was born. She hadn’t planned on writing a pattern for it, but there were so many requests she just couldn’t let her customers down! Starget uses 4 different tools, and while each of the units is easy to make, some of the units have several color combinations so organization is key. If you pay a little bit of attention and follow Deb’s tips for organization you ‘ll have a beautiful quilt that’s well worth the effort!

Main Features

  • Project size : 88" x 104"
  • Required tools: V Block, Square Squared, Wing Clipper 1, and Split Rects
  • Fabrics: Light and Medium Backgrounds, two Dark Fabrics, and an Accent Fabric
  • Pattern # DTP064

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