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Studio 180 Design Framed 60 Technique Sheet DTEC31

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Descripción detallada

Studio 180 Design Framed 60 Technique Sheet DTEC31

Also Available in Our Retail Store
1001 Knight Avenue, Ponca City, OK 74601

Call for More Information: (580)765-9999

Left Handed Trimdown Instructions

If you love jazzing up your stars as much as we do, this is one that you’re not going to want to skip! The Framed 60 Technique Sheet allows you to create a Star 60 unit with a contrasting band of color added around the outside edge of the diamond. Sew six together and you will get a beautiful framed star, but you can also use them in conjunction with other 60° units to create really interesting looks.

Main Features

  • One page, laminated for durability
  • Companion for Star 60 tool
  • 16 sizes from 1½" to 9"
  • Block ideas included
  • Left Handed trimdown instructions available for download
  • Item # DTEC31

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