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Janome Continental M7 Professional Workbook

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Janome Continental M7 Professional Workbook

Also Available in Our Retail Store
1001 Knight Avenue, Ponca City, OK 74601

Call for More Information: (580)765-9999

To make the most out of the Continental M7 Professional a collection of Janome educators have put together the Continental M7 Professional Workbook. This one hundred and twenty-eight (128) page workbook has been developed to give you a better understanding of your Continental M7 Professional sewing machine and to help you use all its features with complete confidence. The best way to learn your machine is to sew. There are instructions and patterns for twenty square quilts, which will familiarize you with the functions of your Continental M7 Professional. In section twenty-three (23) of this workbook, you will find instructions for assembling them into a quilt.

In the list of materials and at the beginning of each section, Janome has listed the accessories and techniques you will need to use. It allows you to use this workbook as a reference guide to go back to it and quickly find the instructions for a particular technique. Throughout your learning, you will enjoy doing practical exercises as well as trying some fun techniques to help you make the best use of your new machine. Whatever your level of sewing, this workbook will be a reference guide to which you can refer at any time to learn something new or simply to refresh your memory.

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