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Havel's Left Handed 6" Double-Pointed Duckbill Applique Scissors

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Descripción detallada

Havel's Left Handed 6" Double-Pointed Duckbill Applique Scissors

Also Available in Our Retail Store
1001 Knight Avenue, Ponca City, OK 74601

Call for More Information: (580)765-9999

Get to all those tight corners with Havel's Left Handed 6" Double-Pointed Duckbill Applique Scissors! The double-pointed blades allow you to cut at sharp angles and tight corners without needing to change scissors, and the large finger loops add extra comfort on tired or arthritic hands. The wide outer edge of the duckbill separates and lifts fabric that is cut away while protecting your base layer like traditional duckbill styles.

Main Features

  • Double-pointed blades allow cutting of sharp angles and tight corners
  • Wide duckbill edge “pushes away” extras layers of fabric
  • Thin lower blades make cutting close to stitching easier than ever
  • Double curve of handles keep hands up and away from surface
  • Large finger loops add comfort, easy on tired or arthritic hands
  • Perfect for cutting out Appliqué without damaging the rest of your fabric

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