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AccuQuilt GO! Lemon Die by Janine Lecour 55630

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AccuQuilt GO! Lemon Die by Janine Lecour 55630

Also Available in Our Retail Store
1001 Knight Avenue, Ponca City, OK 74601

Call for More Information: (580)765-9999

Put a little zest in your quilting projects with this creative applique die. You’ll cut the multiple applique shapes quickly and accurately so you can be on your way to creating fresh projects for the kitchen and beyond.

Janine Lecour is an Atlanta-based digital surface pattern designer who loves to design vibrant, exuberant patterns with solid shapes, and line work is featured heavily in her artwork. Mixing bold pattern motifs with eye-catching color palettes, she strives to create a whimsical art experience. Something that gives the viewer a sense of joy and optimism. An Alum of Savannah College of Art and Design, she studied and worked in Fashion before gravitating to the world of surface design.

How to Die Cut Lemon Shapes
Apply fusible web product to the wrong side of the fabric, following manufacturer’s instructions, before cutting for fusible appliqué. Place fabric on die right sides together to cut pairs.

  • Quarter Pieces: Cut and fuse one 4 1/2" x 3" rectangle. Place on selected blade and cut. Cut 26 quarter pieces (13 pairs) across the width of fabric. One yard of 40" wide fabric cuts 416 quarter pieces (208 pairs).
  • Chevron: Cut and fuse one 2 1/4" x 3" rectangle. Place on selected blade and cut. Cut 13 chevrons across the width of fabric. One yard of 40" wide fabric cuts 208 chevrons.
  • Triangle: Cut and fuse one 2 1/4" x 1 3/4" rectangle. Place on selected blade and cut. Cut 22 triangles across the width of fabric. One yard of 40" wide fabric cuts 352 triangles.
  • Large Leaf, Small Leaf & Pedicel: Place scraps on blade and cut.

Die Tips

  • With some fabrics, after cutting, a thread or two will remain where die blades meet. Snip threads with scissors. 
  • Blades on some dies are positioned at an angle.  Align fabric to edge of shape, not edge of die board. 
  • Use good quality fabric to reduce fabric stretch. 
  • It's always a good idea to test cut one shape before cutting many shapes to ensure fabric orientation is correct. 


  • Cut Size: Quarter Piece 2"W x 2 1/2"H, Chevron 1 3/4"W x 2 1/2"H, Triangle 1 3/4"W x 1 1/4"H, Large Leaf 7/8"W x 2 1/2"H, Small Leaf 5/8"W x 2 1/8"H, Pedicel 3/4"W x 3/8"H
  • Finished Size: 3 7/8"W x 7 3/8"H (9.8 cm x 18.7 cm).
  • Die Board Size: 5 in. x 10 in. (12.7 cm x 25.4 cm)

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